Real study abroad stories

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Study abroad in Marseille
For me, the thing I was most scared of was the people I was leaving behind and how those relationships would be affected... Continue reading
Study abroad in Graz
I think the principal challenge for me was to adapt to the city of Marseille. Coming from Graz, Austria, where my home u... Continue reading
Study abroad in Nizhny Novgorod
One of my biggest challenges in my personal life abroad was experiencing the living conditions in the student accommodat... Continue reading
Study abroad in Maastricht
It took me a lot of time to find a suitable accommodation at reasonable prices and that was a common issue for the major... Continue reading
Study abroad in London
It was a little hard to make non-American friends since we came in as a group and everyone wanted to hang out with each ... Continue reading
Study abroad in Marseille
Without doubt the hardest part of my year abroad was integrating into a French social group. Given that my main aim for ... Continue reading