Study abroad planning support

Study abroad reason guide

Decide about whether studying abroad is for you (or not just yet) by considering your motivations and double-checking the potential barriers you may face abroad.

Goal achiever abroad

List your study abroad goals, break them down into actionable objectives and set automated reminders to make sure you achieve as many goals as possible.

Host country finder

This is your chance to narrow down the list of potential study abroad destinations by filtering the world map with the key factors that drive your host country choice.

Accommodation guide

Think about your study abroad goals and personal preferences to find out whether family stay, dormitory placement or apartment (room) renting suits you best.

Budget planner abroad

Find the host city and program length that fit your budget. Estimate the total cost of studying abroad and plan ahead with your available financial resources.

Study abroad preparation

This is the ultimate checklist to make sure you think through all aspects (host country, institution and personal issues) of your study abroad preparation.