Goal achiever

How it works - Goal achiever

  • STEP 1 – Set your motivations and add the goal details (fill the goal, measure and actions)
  • STEP 2 – Set an automated reminder (fill the target date, frequency and reminder start date)
  • STEP 3 – Revisit your study abroad goals every month (adjust the target date if needed)
  • STEP 4 – If you achieved the goal, then “Set to achieved”

  • You can set up 9 goals maximum, in case you would like to set a new goal after that point, you need to “Remove” an achieved goal.
Minimize section at start

As a next step in your preparation check out the Host country finder, Accommodation guide and Study abroad budget planner

This is a comprehensive and universal guide to achieve your study abroad goals. The tool allows you to list specific, detailed and time-bound goals and keep track of them during and after your study abroad program. You may set automated reminders that support you in following up on your goals and actually get things done.

Whatever goals you may have, with dedication you can make the most out of your life abroad. In case you have any questions, please contact us.

Using the 'Goal achiever abroad' service you accept our terms and conditions.