Study abroad reason guide

How it works - Study abroad reason guide

  • STEP 1 - choose the level of relevance of each MOTIVATOR (maxium 2-3 with the highest relevance)
  • STEP 2 - choose the level of relevance of each BARRIER (maxium 2-3 with the highest relevance)
  • STEP 3 - Upon seeing your results you might be able to turn your motivators into actionable
    goals or you might need to check how to best resolve your barriers.

    Some motivators/barriers can be answered only if you already know
    where you want to study. In case you need to think about this,
    then check out the Host country finder or our Resources
Minimize section at start
Immerse in the local culture
Boost career opportunities
Improve language skills
Make international friends
Personal development
Just to have fun
Challenging experience
Travel around the world
Childhood dream come true
Economic conditions abroad
Better education abroad
Become more independent
Gain a new perspective
Experience something new
International networking
Leaving family behind
Leaving friends behind
Leaving your partner behind
Lost wages from current job
Getting time off from current job
Intolerance of ambiguity
Pressure to graduate on time
Cost of studying abroad
Foreign language skills
My personal safety concerns
Family concern for my safety
Family responsibilities
Course availability abroad
Race and/or ethnicity concerns
GPA decrease abroad

This is a comprehensive and universal study abroad guide to discover your motivations and barriers when making a decision about engaging in a study abroad program. The scoring algorithm of the tool is constantly being improved, however Conquer Abroad cannot guarantee that scoring high on motivations mean that you are ready to study abroad or that scoring high on barriers mean that you shouldn’t study abroad at all (and vica-versa).

Nevertheless the results should give you a good idea on which barriers should be double-checked before studying abroad and which motivations could be turned into Study abroad goals.

In case you have any questions, please contact us.

Using the „Reasons to study abroad” tool results you accept our terms and conditions.